Complaints Handling and Dispute Resolution

If you are dissatisfied in any way with the service provided to you by OneStop Financial Solutions we want to know about it. We want to get it right for you.

We have a formal internal complaint handling process and will try to reach a satisfactory resolution with you as soon as possible.
Please contact our Complaint Manager Steph Kolovos on or on 027 233 5363.

You can make your complaint verbally, by email or letter.

We will acknowledge your complaint within 2 days and try to resolve your complaint within 10 days. We may need to ask you for further information or agree on an extension if the issue is complex or there are issues outside our control.

If we cannot agree on a resolution you can contact our independent external dispute resolution scheme, Financial Services Complaints Ltd (FSCL).

Financial Services Complaints Ltd is an external financial dispute resolution scheme approved by the Minister of Consumer Affairs under the Financial Service Provider (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act 2008.

The Scheme can be contacted at or 0800 347 257. They will investigate your complaint and work to facilitate an agreed resolution. If this is not possible the Scheme may make a formal decision which is binding on OneStop Financial Solutions, but not you unless you accept the decision. The process is free to you and the Scheme will assist you to lodge your complaint.